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2023 AF Lana Deane

Looking for Inspiration

Throughout our lives, we’re told to “be ourselves” but sometimes that’s not so easy. If you’re different, it can be downright scary.

Recent graduate Lana Deane found Landmark College to be a place where she could feel, not just safe, but CELEBRATED, for being herself. That is life-changing.

As part of the Landmark College community, you know we celebrate the diversity of our community and all its members every day and in every way. In fact, we take pride in what we call the “Landmark difference.”

You can help more students like Lana experience the Landmark difference by making a gift to our Annual Fund today.  

To make your secure gift online, click here. You can also text 'Landmark2023' to 4144, or contact me at 802-387-6877 or [email protected].

With gratitude,

Carol Nardino
Senior Director for Institutional Advancement
Landmark College


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